” Favoritism manifests itself in all departments of government, public and private. It is harder to avoid because it is so natural”- Thomas Chandler Haliburton

Political favouritism is the practice of giving people, groups, or organizations preferred treatment or advantages based on their political ties or connections. It entails the use of political power or influence to give benefits, privileges, or opportunities to individuals who support a specific political party, ideology, or agenda. While an individual selects a particular political affiliation or philosophy over all others, they tend to be naïve and irrational while attempting to solve a wide range of political and social concerns is political favouritism. It can take several forms, including:

  • Nepotism: It is the practice of granting positions of authority or chances to family or close companions regardless of their credentials or merit.
  • Patronage: It is the practice of providing government posts, deals, or other perks to people or groups in exchange for political allegiance or support.
  • Cronyism: Giving economic or political benefits to friends, allies, or intimate acquaintances, frequently by skirting fair and competitive methods.
  • Lobbying influence: Allowing particular interest groups or companies with political clout to wield undue influence on policy-making or legislation.
  • Resource allocation: Using political aspects rather than objective criteria to direct public resources such as financing, infrastructure projects, or public services to certain areas or constituencies.
  • Regulatory capture: When regulatory organizations or groups entrusted with regulating industries or sectors are influenced or controlled by the very businesses they are supposed to govern, biased decisions and preferential treatment result.

Political favoritism contradicts the values of governance such as justice, openness, and equal opportunity. Because choices are made primarily on personal or political relationships rather than the best interests of society as a whole, it can weaken public faith in institutions and encourage corruption.

Writer: Md. Towhidul Islam Jihadi