Background: The case involves a complex property dispute that has its roots in ownership claims and long-standing familial ties. The property in question, referred to as schedule “Ka”, is a large tract of land that has been in the family for generations. Moinuddin Ahmed, is a descendant of the original owners of the property. He claims that the property was passed down to him through his ancestors and that he has the necessary legal documents to prove his ownership.

Issue: Whether Moinuddin Ahmed, has the legal right to sell the one-third portion of the schedule “Ka” property, despite the long-term possession and maintenance of the property by Khursheda Begum and others?

Argument: Both parties presented their claims and evidence to the property. Moinuddin Ahmed claimed historical ownership, while Khursheda Begum argued that she had been in possession of the property for a significant period.

Judgment: The court, after careful consideration of the evidence and arguments presented, ruled in favor of Moinuddin Ahmed. The court found his claim to the property to be more substantiated.